Monday 4 November 2013

Day 4 of Antagonist Cycle - another visit to KKIVF

Let me explain why it is Day 4.

Today is Day 9 since the start of my menstrual cycle.
I started Orgalutran on Day 3 (and it last till Day 5) of my menstrual cycle
Then I start Puregon (to stimulate the growth of the follicles) on Day 6 and I am still on it.
See my illustration below.
Today's date - 4 Nov

And guess what, I am back to Orgalutran tomorrow. I am wondering why since the songographer only detected 3 follicles today. It's not like it will stimulate my body to ovulate?

Just a guide for waiting time -  Today is a Monday and Mondays are normally more crowded. I arrived at 7.40am and I was the 10th person in the queue. On average, it takes about 4-5 mins per scan. By the time I did my scanning, it was about 8.45am. Today, the doctor started to see the patients (that already had the scanning done) around 8.45am in Room 4. By the time I saw the doctor,  it was around 9.35am. She was super chop chop. I might as well have seen the nurse cos she seems like she was trying to catch a train and Not much explanation done. She makes me feel like she is trying to rush me out of the room. So different from Dr Tan. I think this is the doctor (see image below)- Dr Viardot -Foucault. Her name was not on the door and she just wore a name tag. The doctors that see you during the consultations (after the scanning) are at random and it will not be the doctor that you are choosing for your egg retrieval and embryo transfer.

Dr Veronique Viardot-FoucaultConsultant (Endocrinology)MD (France), PG Dip (Endocrinology) (France) FAMS (Endocrinology)

P.S: Not so good news. Dr Tan is on reservist from 11-16 November 2013, so I will totally miss him for both egg retrieval and embryo transfer. Was disappointed cos I wanted HIM!!! and he's so nice. I hope the doctor that is going to take over my case is nice and capable.

I checked with the nurse and she said that funding for medication is also 75%. I will be given a breakdown at the end of the IVF. A box of Puregon 900 costs $662.12 including GST. I was prescribed 1 box of Puregon and 3 units of Orgalutran. Yucks.....Will start Orgalutran tomorrow, together with puregon. Today, I was not even sure which side to let H inject. Both feels so sore and pain......

I also asked a few questions regarding the egg retrieval. It is normally done in the mornings and before 11am. There is only ONE room for collection of sperms and as such, I will persuade H to do it at home. I would be super stressful when you know another comrade is up next. Considering that KKIVF is handling so many IVFS......2453 in 2011??? That's about 8 per day. I'm sure with the government funding, they could easily be doing 12-20 a day now! The operation room is also on the same floor as the clinic, the corridor down from the reception counter. It should take about 4 hours cos as I will be sedated, I will need time to be ready to go home. I think I will ask H to go off and do his stuff cos I am pretty sure he will not be allowed to wake with me. So unlike Raffles Hospital.......they gave me a bed in a ward to rest. I could even order food!!!! Most importantly, H can be beside me. Imaging waking up and staying conscious all alone.....:( Shall ask the nurse about this on Thursday. Next check up - Thursday.

This is the link

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